300 Hour Yoga TTC Online


This course is designed for the people who have completed their 200 hour Level one Yoga TTC. For those who wish to further their understanding and development surrounding their yoga teaching and practice alike. Depending on your personal needs; within the 3 to 12 months of this course you will gain so many different techniques to give you and your yoga career a higher standard. 

Start Your Course Now: 

About Online 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course:

You already have an understanding of the basics and foundation of yoga learned in your 200 hour (Level 1) now it is time to take that a step further. In this online 300 hour course (Level 2) we will focus on different alternative therapy options, aryuveda, yoga topics and lifestyle, teaching method, lesson planning and you will learn all the tools for new opportunity to grow your yoga business and future career. 



Course Timeline:

Your Yoga TTC will have a duration of 3 months minimum and 12 months maximum, giving you the optimal time to complete this course! The course will be divided into 5 modules (Unites) to help you stay organized and on top of your responsibilities as a student.  

Course Details:  


Online Tool required: Our Website
Study Video lessons: 180 Hours
Number of live sessions: 40 Classes one hours each / 40 Hours in Total. 
Daily schedule: Not required (Student can Practice anytime) 
Course Itinerary: 5 Models 
Self-study hours: 80 Hours (This is non Contact hours) 
The maximum number of participants:                                Flexible  


Course Benefits:

  • Flexible Time: You can start with our training dates and finish date as per your convenience within 3 to 12 months.
  • Easy access: You can follow the lessons anywhere anytime.
  • Affordable: The fee is cheaper than the regular courses.
  • Certified: All of our courses are accredited and provide a "Yoga Teacher Diploma" or "Professional Diploma by WYA Community Organization" (accordingly course or training) 
  • Online Community: You will get access to the WYA Yoga Community worldwide. 



Additional Benefits:


  • Lifetime access to the videos and their content. 
  • Free PDF books and study materials.  


300 Hour YTT Course Curriculum / Syllabus:

Learn from the foundation:

1st Module:


1. Practice of Traditional Hatha Yoga Asanas & Sequence 

2. Pranayama - 'Control of the Prana Science' 

3. Bandhas & Mudra 

2nd Module:


4. Mantras Chanting: Building awareness with Divine Vibrations 

5. Yoga Nindra

6. Kriya 

3rd Module:


7. Theory of Traditional Yoga Systems & History 

8. Meditation Techniques 

9. Yoga & Ayurveda Therapy 

4th Module:


10. Yoga Teaching Principles & Methodology 

11. How to create a Syllabus and work on lesson Plan 

12. Anatomy and Physiology 

5th Module:


13. Homework Submission

14. Practical Exam. 

15. Theoretical Exam.  


Upon complete the exam, Applicant will receive the “Certified Yoga Teacher Diploma from WYA” www.wyayoga.org  


Join 300 Hour


Booking Process  / How To Apply Online Course



  • Please submit the application form 
  • Select your Payment Plan: 
  • Pay the Deposit via Bank Transfer / Western Union or PayPal. 
  • Send the payment receipt to the FB Chat Box or email to wyathailandyoga@gmail.com 
  • Receive the confirmation letter from the WYA Thailand Official email. 
  • Congratulations! You are registered for Teacher Training courses! 




  • BANK NAME - Bangkok Bank 
  • Account Name - Mr. DHARMENDRA SINGH 
  • Account Number - 511-7-152560 
  • Branch  - Central Plaza Chiang Rai  
  • City -   Chiang Rai 
  • Country -  Thailand  
  • Swift Code -  BKKBTHBK  
  • Address: H.N. 376 Village No. 7 Phahonyothin Rd, Tambon Nang Lae, Amphoe Mueang,
  • COUNTRY: Thailand. 
  • PIN: 57100  
  • PHONE: +66946364155 






300 Hour - Online Yoga Teacher Training Course Syllabus

The Curriculum

The World Yoga Alliance (INDIA) has set a widely-accepted international standard for Online 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT Level 2) programs, which include a minimum of 180 hours will be contact comprised of online videos across basic areas such as: Techniques, Teaching Methodology, Asana Alignments & Anatomy, Philosophy (including lifestyle and ethics), Therapy and Teaching Practicum. Here is how we implement these teaching areas into our training. 40 hrs will be face to face live Q/A Class & Chat and 80 hrs will be assignments, homework, and essays.


Practice of Traditional Hatha Yoga Asanas

  • Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar (sun and moon salutations)
  • Bhujanga Namaskar Series B (Cobra salutation)
  • Vibhuti Namaskar Sequence
  • Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Hatha Yoga Asana sequence includes 50 positions
  • Yoga class sequence for Advance Therapy
  • Sanskrit names of all Asanas

Pranayama - 'Control of the Prana Science'

  • Four Pranayamas from Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Yogic Breathing Techniques
  • Discussion on Pranayama and Normal breathing
  • Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)

Mantras Chanting: Building awareness with Divine Vibrations

  • Sahana Bhavatu
  • Surya Namaskar Mantra
  • Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam
  • Karpur gauram karunavtram
  • Prayer - Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah mantra & Twameva mata cha pita twamewa

Bandhas & Mudra

  • Maha Bandha (the great lock)
  • Maha Mudra
  • Kaki Mudra
  • Viparita Karani
  • Tadagi Mudra

Theory of Traditional Yoga Systems

  • Introduction to Yoga History & Lineage - II
  • Patanjali's Yogdarshan: Chapter 1&2 (Samadhi & Sadhana Paad)
  • Introduction to Shatkarma
  • Lifestyle according to Ayurveda
  • Introduction to ancient yoga texts:
    - Gheranda Samhita
    - Shiva Samhita
    - Charaka Samhita
    - Ashtanga Hridaya
  • Type of yoga styles:

    * Traditional Yoga Styles:
    - Raja Yoga
    - Hatha Yoga
    - Kundalini Yoga
    - Jnana & Bhakti Yoga
    - Karma Yoga
    - Mantra Yoga
    - Tantra Yoga

    * Modern Yoga Styles:
    - Power Yoga
    - Acrobatic Yoga
    - Yin Yang Yoga
    - Ashtanga Exercise
    - Hot Yoga
    - Bhujanga Yoga, etc.

Meditation Techniques

  • Pranav Meditation
  • Yoga Nindra
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Dynamic Meditation
  • Observation and Awareness Techniques


  • Jal Neti
  • Sutra Neti
  • Tratak
  • Vasti Kriya


  • Yoga Therapy
  • Ayurveda Therapy
  • Natural Care Therapy
  • Principle of Five Elements for Therapy
  • Acupuncture Therapy
  • Therapy according to the blood pressure
  • Therapy according to the common diseases

Yoga Teaching Principles & Methodology

  • Elements of working with individual/group classes
  • Elements of reputation marketing & self-promotion
  • Elements of maintaining a yoga business
  • Leadership skills
  • Life management (select your life targets and goals)
  • Skills of an effective facilitator
  • Social media/Website/ Blog building
  • Operating a studio/center
  • Online yoga class/business
  • Voice and presence
  • Work as a freelance

Anatomy and Physiology

  • Spine
  • Brain
  • Blood circulation and nerve system